man‎Gerrit van Gorkom‏‎ [I33341]‎, zoon van David van Gorkom en Elisabeth Noest‏.
Geboren ‎21 aug 1837 Utrecht‎

Gehuwd ‎14 sep 1859 Utrecht, leeftijd 22 jaar Eight children were born of which two daughters married, all belonging to generation X. A boy called Gerrit died on 6 December 1861, one year old. On 18 November 1864 a girl Anthonia died, just one year old too. One month later, on 17 December a second Anthonia was born. She married in Utrecht on 15 January 1902 Albertus Willem van den Hoogen, son of Albertus Willem van den Hoogen and Geertruida Maria van Beusekom. Albertus was already a widower. His first wife Dirkje Huussen died on 7 May 1900. Unfortunately, on 15 April 1910 this second Anthonia died, only 45 years old. Elisabeth Jacoba Stephana, the second daughter of Gerrit, was born in Utrecht on 17 May 1866. She married Johannes van Uden in Utrecht on 17 November 1892. He was born in 's Hertogenbosch on 25 October 1866 and son of Johannes van Uden and Antonia van der Hammen. The next child of Gerrit and Anthonia was not born alive and died on 10 June 1868. Anna Wilhelmina van Gorkom was 5 months old when she died on 4 October 1873. On 17 May 1870 another stillborn child was born. The last child was Naatje, born in 1871, who deceased on 12 August 1871, two month old.
Huwelijks ID nr. 1 (11219)
